- download SetupDragon v4.1beta4.msi (40 MB) + (100 MB if dotnet 4.0 is not installed yet on your computer)
Changes in 4.1 (28-9-2012):
New features:
- Thinking in opponent time now available (pondering)
- Viewing PDN game while keeping selection form open
- In more cases, dragon shows the game-theoretical score of the current position, if it is known
Performance improvements:
- In tournaments, dragon uses a number of tables that help it evaluate positions. These are now included
in the downloadable version (+140 elo points worth of improvement)
- Better move ordering: 20% faster to certain search depth (+12 elo)
- Browsing through the game should be a bit faster
- Improved endgame handling (without endgame database, when dragon on a easy level, it was not able to win
some otherwise won positions)
- Large page support can give about 3% speed improvement on 64 bit windows
Various bug fixes:
- Damexchange should now work correctly for matches
- Fixed problems with endgame generator
- Fixed some glitches where dragon played a losing move in a won endgame position
- A large number of small bugs fixed
changes in older version (4.0, 24-8-2011)
- completely new user interface
- engine search speed is increased by a factor between 2 and 3, due to improved multithreading algorithms and switch to bitboards.
- endgame database generation is fully multithreaded and can generate up to 8 piece endgames (given sufficient ram)
changes in older version (v3.0, 2008):
#Massively improved game analyses:
Dragon spends more time on interresting positions, less on obvious moves
Analyses is created as game variant
Continuation is done on full search depth
Evaluation at end of game
Quick game analyses option: checks for blunders and gives quickly produces score graph
Automatic threshold: lower the comment threshold at longer thinking times
#General changes:
Fixed bug when windows went into screensaver
Form to quickly enter a new game, or copy & paste a game from a website or other document
Game moves are now implemented as a tree, allowing for variants, and variants of variants, ad infinitum
Graph displaying score during the game
Option form split in 3 seperate tabs
Options to change some of dragon's colors.
#Engine improvements
Dragon can now utilise multi-core processors. Speedup is still modest though. Measured as time to reach
a certain level of play, dragon is 1.55 times faster on dual core, and 1.99 times on a quad-core. Set
up the number of processors you want dragon to use in the options.
Endgame databases are now accessed directly from disk if there are not available in memory
Improved database compression. All 6 piece endings now fit on a single CD
About 10% speed improvement
Improved move ordering
Improved identication of drawn endgames
Lastgame.pdn can't be overwritten anymore by an empty game
Save as applet problem fixed
Infinite analyses did not work when still in opening book
Position analyses sometimes produced invalid continuations on lower depths