Deepest win for white:

[Event ""]
[Date "2010.09.06"]
[Site ""]
[White "Perfect play"]
[Black "Perfect play"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Round ""]
[GameType "20"]
[FEN "W:WK8,K14,K38:BK12,K27,K43."]

1. 8x32 43-25 2. 38-20 25-48 3. 14-10 48-31 {48-26} 4. 10-4 31-48 5. 20-25 48-42 {48-26} 6. 4-15 42-31 {42-26} 7. 15-42 31x48 8. 32-43 48x39 {48x34, 48x30} 9. 25x43 {25x48} 1-0

Non capture positions

Win: 1.102.432 (1.4%)
Draw: 80.327.686 (98.6%)
Lose: 32 (0.0%)

Number of positions with white to win in X moves
1: 0
2: 799.180
3: 266.574
4: 34.158
5: 1.572
6: 948
Number of positions with white to lose in X moves
1: 0
2: 0
3: 4
4: 4
5: 24

All positions

Win: 19.149.632 (6.0%)
Draw: 298.042.698 (93.8%)
Lose: 621.670 (0.2%)

Number of positions with white to win in X moves
1: 11.854.372
2: 3.718.828
3: 1.935.652
4: 1.138.036
5: 275.480
6: 192.998
7: 30.694
8: 3.512
9: 60
Number of positions with white to lose in X moves
1: 396.708
2: 196.634
3: 26.060
4: 1.260
5: 1.008