Deepest win for white:

[Event ""]
[Date "2010.09.05"]
[Site ""]
[White "Perfect play"]
[Black "Perfect play"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Round ""]
[GameType "20"]
[FEN "W:WK12,K25,K29,K32,K38:BK15,45."]

1. 38-33 45-50 2. 25-39 15-4 3. 12-17 4-31 4. 32-38 31-48 5. 29-34 48-37 6. 38-47 50-45 7. 34-25 45-40 {37-46, 37-5} 8. 17-6 {39-50} 37-46 {37-32, 37-5} 9. 33-24 {39-30, 39-50} 46-5 {40-23, 40-18, 40-12, 40-7, 40-1} 10. 6-1 40-49 11. 1-45 49-35 12. 24-2 35-49 13. 47-15 49-27 14. 39-34 {45-50} 27-49 {27-36, 27-16} 15. 15-24 49-40 {5-46} 16. 34-39 {34-43} 40-49 17. 2-16 49-35 {5-10} 18. 16-2 {25-30} 35x19 {35x13, 35x8} 19. 2x24 {2x35} 5-10 {5-41, 5-46} 20. 39-34 {45-50} 10-41 {10-46} 21. 24-19 {25-14} 41x10 {41x5} 22. 25-14 10x40 23. 45x34 {45x29, 45x23, 45x18, 45x12, 45x7, 45x1} 1-0

Non capture positions

Win: 885.686.145 (99.8%)
Draw: 1.562.537 (0.2%)
Lose: 0 (0.0%)

Number of positions with white to win in X moves
1: 1.099.139
2: 119.653.597
3: 217.555.856
4: 203.046.727
5: 189.258.010
6: 119.412.364
7: 22.723.823
8: 6.820.802
9: 2.457.920
10: 880.944
11: 505.177
12: 532.252
13: 539.741
14: 434.973
15: 424.375
16: 259.962
17: 71.361
18: 7.413
19: 1.304
20: 287
21: 78
22: 31
23: 9
Number of positions with white to lose in X moves

All positions

Win: 3.651.090.548 (96.7%)
Draw: 124.399.786 (3.3%)
Lose: 139.986 (0.0%)

Number of positions with white to win in X moves
1: 654.254.063
2: 869.696.725
3: 757.096.741
4: 488.099.355
5: 590.536.660
6: 238.376.626
7: 39.657.111
8: 7.251.787
9: 2.463.491
10: 881.026
11: 505.177
12: 532.252
13: 539.741
14: 434.973
15: 424.375
16: 259.962
17: 71.361
18: 7.413
19: 1.304
20: 287
21: 78
22: 31
23: 9
Number of positions with white to lose in X moves
1: 125.232
2: 14.754