Deepest win for white:

[Event ""]
[Date "2010.08.17"]
[Site ""]
[White "Perfect play"]
[Black "Perfect play"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Round ""]
[GameType "20"]
[FEN "W:W6,K22:BK17,K50."]

1. 22x11 50-45 2. 6-1 45-50 3. 11-6 50-45 4. 6-50 45-40 {45-34, 45-29, 45-23, 45-18, 45-12, 45-7} 5. 1x45 1-0

Non capture positions

Win: 11.250 (0.7%)
Draw: 1.581.692 (98.9%)
Lose: 5.833 (0.4%)

Number of positions with white to win in X moves
1: 0
2: 11.162
3: 87
4: 1
Number of positions with white to lose in X moves
1: 55
2: 446
3: 1.252
4: 2.348
5: 1.309
6: 269
7: 74
8: 18
9: 14

All positions

Win: 147.277 (5.9%)
Draw: 2.310.213 (92.9%)
Lose: 29.750 (1.2%)

Number of positions with white to win in X moves
1: 130.022
2: 16.108
3: 1.040
4: 101
5: 6
Number of positions with white to lose in X moves
1: 11.967
2: 2.948
3: 5.093
4: 7.539
5: 1.780
6: 269
7: 74
8: 18
9: 14