Deepest win for white:

[Event ""]
[Date "2010.08.17"]
[Site ""]
[White "Perfect play"]
[Black "Perfect play"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Round ""]
[GameType "20"]
[FEN "W:W12,K40,50:BK7,K11."]

1. 12x1 11-16 2. 40-49 16-2 3. 49-35 2-11 {2-16} 4. 1-34 {1-6} 11-2 5. 34-39 2-7 6. 50-45 7-2 7. 35-49 2-16 8. 45-40 16-7 9. 39-34 7-11 10. 34-1 11-2 11. 40-34 2-16 12. 34-29 16-11 {16-2} 13. 49-44 11x50 14. 1-6 50-45 15. 6-1 45x23 {45x18, 45x12, 45x7} 16. 1x29 {1x34, 1x40, 1x45} 1-0

Non capture positions

Win: 513.014 (1.7%)
Draw: 29.883.099 (98.2%)
Lose: 42.974 (0.1%)

Number of positions with white to win in X moves
1: 0
2: 467.029
3: 43.785
4: 1.912
5: 194
6: 94
Number of positions with white to lose in X moves
1: 82
2: 200
3: 539
4: 1.158
5: 7.497
6: 10.559
7: 5.210
8: 3.105
9: 2.940
10: 3.426
11: 3.508
12: 2.307
13: 1.527
14: 609
15: 181
16: 16
17: 14

All positions

Win: 3.429.703 (6.7%)
Draw: 47.263.184 (92.0%)
Lose: 676.233 (1.3%)

Number of positions with white to win in X moves
1: 2.594.938
2: 678.958
3: 125.231
4: 23.044
5: 5.244
6: 1.623
7: 425
8: 152
9: 45
10: 38
11: 0
12: 0
13: 0
14: 2
15: 1
16: 2
Number of positions with white to lose in X moves
1: 137.668
2: 45.695
3: 105.041
4: 224.017
5: 34.811
6: 15.971
7: 17.447
8: 18.470
9: 21.702
10: 22.945
11: 15.684
12: 10.412
13: 4.046
14: 2.000
15: 198
16: 16
17: 14