Deepest win for white:

[Date "2015.10.09"]
[White "Perfect play"]
[Black "Perfect play"]
[Result "2-0"]
[GameType "20"]
[FEN "W:W7,16,K46:B5,K11,K41,K44."]

1. 46x6 44-35 2. 6-17 35-49 3. 17-22 49-40 4. 7-1 40-35 5. 22-17 35-49 6. 17-21 49-44 7. 1-6 44-40 {44-35} 8. 6-44 40x49 9. 21-27 49x21 10. 16x27 5-10 11. 27-21 {27-22} 10-15 {10-14} 12. 21-16 {21-17} 15-20 13. 16-11 20-24 14. 11-6 {11-7} 24-29 15. 6-1 29-33 16. 1-34 33-38 17. 34-48 38-43 {38-42} 18. 48x39 {48x34, 48x30, 48x25} 2-0


Deepest loss for white:

[Date "2015.10.09"]
[White "Perfect play"]
[Black "Perfect play"]
[Result "0-2"]
[GameType "20"]
[FEN "W:W15,16,K35:BK2,23,K27,K38."]

1. 35-49 27-32 2. 49-40 38-29 3. 40-45 32-46 4. 45-50 29-34 5. 50-11 2-19 6. 11-44 19-5 7. 15-10 5x19 8. 16-11 19-35 9. 44-17 34-45 10. 11-6 35-24 11. 17-11 {17-26} 24-38 12. 11-17 {11-22} 38-15 13. 17-11 {17-3, 17-22} 46-37 14. 11-17 {11-22, 11-44} 37-26 15. 17-39 15-29 16. 39-25 29-38 {29-42, 29-47} 17. 25-39 38-15 18. 39-30 {39-44, 39-50} 26-48 19. 30-35 15-38 20. 35-44 38-49 21. 44-33 49-35 {48-25} 22. 33-50 48-34 23. 50-22 35-49 24. 22-33 49-27 25. 33-15 27-4 26. 15-33 34-30 27. 33-44 {33-50} 30-13 28. 44-17 {44-49} 23-29 {13-18, 13-2} 29. 17-26 4-9 30. 26-17 29-34 31. 17-44 {17-50} 9-4 32. 44-11 13-24 {4-15} 33. 11-2 {11-17, 11-44, 11-50} 24-35 34. 2-11 4-18 35. 11-2 {11-50} 18-22 {18-12} 36. 2-11 22-50 37. 11-2 35-49 38. 2-35 {2-11} 45-40 {34-40} 39. 35x44 49x40 {49x35} 40. 6-1 40-45 41. 1x40 45x34 {45x29, 45x23, 45x18, 45x12, 45x7, 45x1} 0-2


Non capture positions

Win: 46.295.542 (0.4%)
Draw: 6.370.190.391 (58.0%)
Lose: 4.574.983.194 (41.6%)

Number of positions with white to win in X moves
1: 27
2: 13.444.137
3: 6.742.580
4: 9.140.361
5: 13.794.635
6: 2.553.038
7: 411.262
8: 122.986
9: 63.093
10: 18.565
11: 4.844
12: 6
13: 8
Number of positions with white to lose in X moves
1: 381.411
2: 655.709
3: 4.283.796
4: 21.155.292
5: 54.876.695
6: 89.047.155
7: 152.129.505
8: 290.457.388
9: 532.627.436
10: 776.182.991
11: 846.886.033
12: 737.129.317
13: 510.345.885
14: 276.514.461
15: 126.410.120
16: 58.180.901
17: 31.780.495
18: 20.676.626
19: 14.886.329
20: 11.006.838
21: 7.725.712
22: 4.978.771
23: 2.739.557
24: 1.473.608
25: 969.206
26: 630.386
27: 336.056
28: 195.385
29: 123.115
30: 53.021
31: 11.631
32: 2.374
33: 1.083
34: 610
35: 326
36: 195
37: 37
38: 53
39: 26
40: 6
41: 1

All positions

Win: 551.830.343 (1.8%)
Draw: 23.262.559.536 (76.2%)
Lose: 6.714.563.521 (22.0%)

Number of positions with white to win in X moves
1: 174.323.040
2: 99.343.320
3: 105.692.403
4: 116.985.430
5: 41.182.277
6: 9.790.943
7: 2.572.231
8: 1.034.880
9: 591.769
10: 224.264
11: 73.873
12: 13.004
13: 1.730
14: 508
15: 80
16: 235
17: 222
18: 134
Number of positions with white to lose in X moves
1: 214.593.406
2: 285.096.628
3: 437.754.399
4: 486.211.444
5: 435.396.645
6: 262.040.573
7: 224.412.837
8: 333.315.380
9: 558.529.579
10: 793.321.585
11: 859.520.357
12: 745.356.315
13: 515.838.770
14: 279.169.000
15: 127.486.712
16: 58.605.838
17: 31.916.968
18: 20.725.388
19: 14.894.415
20: 11.008.155
21: 7.726.028
22: 4.978.771
23: 2.739.557
24: 1.473.608
25: 969.206
26: 630.386
27: 336.056
28: 195.385
29: 123.115
30: 53.021
31: 11.631
32: 2.374
33: 1.083
34: 610
35: 326
36: 195
37: 37
38: 53
39: 26
40: 6
41: 1