Deepest win for white:

[Event ""]
[Date "2010.08.09"]
[Site ""]
[White "Perfect play"]
[Black "Perfect play"]
[Result "2-0"]
[Round ""]
[GameType "20"]
[FEN "W:WK35,K45:B14,26,43."]

1. 35-49 43-48 2. 45-50 48-31 3. 50-33 31-4 4. 49-16 4-31 {4-36} 5. 16-43 31-9 {31-4} 6. 43-48 9-31 7. 33-42 31-36 {31-9} 8. 42-47 36-4 9. 48-42 4-10 10. 42-15 10-4 11. 15-24 4-27 12. 47-36 27-43 {27-49, 27-21, 27-16} 13. 24-29 {24-33, 24-42} 43-32 14. 29-33 32-37 15. 33-38 37-28 {37-23} 16. 38-43 14-20 17. 43-25 20-24 18. 36-4 28-33 19. 25-48 33-38 {33-47, 33-29} 20. 4-36 38-47 {38-33} 21. 48-25 47-29 22. 36-47 26-31 23. 47-36 31-37 24. 25-3 {25-48} 29-42 {29-47} 25. 3-14 42-47 {42-38, 42-33, 42-29, 24-30, 24-29} 26. 14x41 {14x46} 24-30 {24-29} 27. 41-28 {41-23} 47-15 {30-35} 28. 36-18 30-35 {15-20, 15-24, 15-38, 15-42, 15-47} 29. 18-1 {18-45, 28-6, 28-50} 15-20 {15-24, 15-4} 30. 28-6 {28-50} 20-24 {20-14, 20-9, 20-3, 20-15} 31. 1-29 24x33 32. 6x39 35-40 33. 39-33 {39-28, 39-22, 39-17, 39-11, 39-6} 40-45 {40-44} 34. 33-50 2-0

Non capture positions

Win: 4.646.478 (91.1%)
Draw: 392.580 (7.7%)
Lose: 58.765 (1.2%)

Number of positions with white to win in X moves
1: 0
2: 100.673
3: 68.553
4: 179.294
5: 570.181
6: 1.115.728
7: 1.102.081
8: 586.251
9: 284.929
10: 192.957
11: 164.030
12: 124.409
13: 73.578
14: 42.215
15: 21.584
16: 10.631
17: 3.486
18: 1.627
19: 972
20: 729
21: 533
22: 344
23: 299
24: 364
25: 169
26: 358
27: 223
28: 89
29: 101
30: 53
31: 18
32: 14
33: 2
34: 3
Number of positions with white to lose in X moves
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 1
5: 0
6: 0
7: 1
8: 3
9: 10
10: 65
11: 671
12: 931
13: 895
14: 876
15: 1.373
16: 2.377
17: 3.390
18: 2.271
19: 2.509
20: 3.145
21: 3.536
22: 2.989
23: 3.022
24: 2.139
25: 3.357
26: 2.542
27: 1.384
28: 2.076
29: 4.915
30: 4.451
31: 4.120
32: 2.665
33: 1.236
34: 658
35: 727
36: 395
37: 35

All positions

Win: 14.497.434 (94.5%)
Draw: 703.179 (4.6%)
Lose: 138.777 (0.9%)

Number of positions with white to win in X moves
1: 641.045
2: 866.157
3: 1.489.130
4: 2.198.098
5: 3.003.984
6: 2.431.763
7: 1.601.919
8: 965.972
9: 491.795
10: 293.508
11: 207.307
12: 141.134
13: 80.915
14: 42.993
15: 21.699
16: 10.631
17: 3.486
18: 1.627
19: 972
20: 729
21: 533
22: 344
23: 299
24: 364
25: 169
26: 358
27: 223
28: 89
29: 101
30: 53
31: 18
32: 14
33: 2
34: 3
Number of positions with white to lose in X moves
1: 1.046
2: 1.323
3: 9
4: 2
5: 0
6: 81
7: 457
8: 1.250
9: 828
10: 1.422
11: 3.135
12: 4.163
13: 5.251
14: 5.806
15: 6.394
16: 7.641
17: 7.692
18: 7.809
19: 9.185
20: 11.633
21: 9.902
22: 7.849
23: 7.206
24: 5.441
25: 4.921
26: 4.255
27: 2.453
28: 2.122
29: 5.214
30: 4.451
31: 4.120
32: 2.665
33: 1.236
34: 658
35: 727
36: 395
37: 35