Dragon dammen
Dragon plays international (10x10) draughts. It is one of the strongest Draughts programs available, and can help you analyse your games and improve your strength. The program won the dutch open championship for computer-draughts of both 2012 and 2013 in Culemborg.

Main features of dragon draughts:
  • 15+ different playing levels, from beginner to world champion level
  • Tutor mode, warning you when you make a mistake
  • Simultaneous analyses of all moves in a position
  • Automated analyses of games
  • Nederlands / English / Francaise / Lithuanian / Russian language interface
  • Opening book (150000 positions)
  • Selective search
  • Optimal play endgame databases
  • Native PDN support
  • Makes full use of modern multicore 64 bit processors

Dragon has performed in various computer tournaments since 1996. See Tournament results for a comparison with other programs.

screenshot Main screen